Opening 1PM Saturday 13 November 2021
Closing 12PM Sunday 14 November 2021
Mercure HoteL, Canberra
Cnr Ainslie and Limestone Aves, Braddon, ACT
After you click “Send registration”, click here to pay now (will open in a new tab), to make the payment to Project No: 60-2015-16 Conference Fees for Annual RAM Conference. Please bring your receipt to the Conference Dinner.
Mercure Hotel is providing a discount for Conference attendees who book accommodation with them. More details will be added soon.
For enquiries regarding registration, please contact Andrea Grosvenor amgrosvenor@iinet.net.au or Gloria Hargreaves egharg@netspace.net.au.
We look forward to seeing you at our Conference!
Two pre-Conference workshops are planned for Saturday 13 November morning, these are: Malaria 101 and Malaria Vaccine 101. These sessions are ideal for those who wish to expand their foundational knowledge of malaria and malaria vaccines.
RAM Annual Conference will bring together an eclectic mix of world malaria experts who will speak on a range of topics such as: Australia’s DFAT Indo Pacific Region; the role of Community and Civil Society; the Australian Defence Force’s work on ‘Killing the Last Parasite’ a radical cure of Plasmodium Vivax; and the treatment of Plasmodium Vivax, testing of G6PD, and Medicines for Malaria Venture’s (MMV) work in our region. Another important component of malaria elimination is vector control. Thus, organisations such as the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), a not-for-profit organization, is essential in the search for new, effective tools to accelerate malaria elimination. IVCC will share their work with us at our Conference. Vaccines have revolutionized health care. Thus, this Conference brings you an update on the malaria vaccine research at the Griffith University; and an exploration by Burnet Institute, Melbourne, of vaccines development, and no doubt, the use of mRNA technology will be discussed.
On Day Two, several Rotarians will present their work to us. Past Rotary District 9705 Governor Dr. Michael Moore will speak to us about Rotarians and Influence on Government Policies. Partnerships are important. PDG Dai Mason, will present on the RAWCS-RAM and the Global Fund Campaign to raise USD 12M over five years for PNG, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, and Timor Leste. Another of RAM’s partners, Dr Dan Evans will present the Cross Sector Partnership Initiative (XSPI) and Asia Pacific Development.
The Conference will showcase RAM’s support in our partner countries, these are: Papua New Guinea (PNG), Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands. Lastly, to inspire Rotarians, we have invited Malaria Partners International (USA) to share with us, their recent successful RI Program of Scale USD 2M grant for malaria elimination in Zambia. A landmark win for MPI, the Program of Scale Grant will inspire Rotarians to continue working to end malaria in Australia, and across the World.
Note: The Conference is live. Australian Speakers will present in-person. Speakers from overseas will present to us via zoom.
For a summary of the program, click here. Please note the program is subject to change.